Scary start…

We usually start our day anywhere between 4:30-5:30. This morning it was 5:30. Ledger was awake and he had gone into our closet to hang out. He likes it in there. He looks in the mirror and sits on a bunch of overnight bags that somehow give him some comfort. This morning though, he climbed into bed with me and was cold. His hands especially. And he smelled like raspberries. He had gone into the fridge, took a yogurt (yes he’s allergic to milk, and no it wasn’t a dairy free brand) and ate it with his fingers. We quickly got some Benadryl into him and gave him a shower. No hives, no itching, no throwing up. A few months back he had gotten into some peanut butter ice cream and did all of the above. Its my day off so I kept him home from intervention this morning just incase he had a delayed reaction. So far, he seems great and is jumping on the couch while watching Toupie and Binoo (his fav cartoon right now!). He loves jumping – we even have our couch cushions duct taped where he has worn them out! Check it out – how can’t you smile?



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